Essential oils for skin rejuvenation - 6 best oils

essential oils for skin rejuvenation

The appearance of the first age-related changes in the form of wrinkles on the face prompts us to look for ways to slow down this inevitable process. There are many ways to prolong youth. Despite the large selection of cosmetic creams, masks, and emulsions, more and more women prefer natural products. Thus, the effectiveness of using essential oils on the face against wrinkles has been tested by time. Ethers have been used since ancient times to care for the skin of the face and body.

What product?

Essentially, ether is a highly concentrated extract obtained from plant materials. The products have a very complex and varied composition, pure ether can contain up to fifty different components. Thanks to their diverse composition, essential oils can be used widely, they are also used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.

Real essential oils are sold in small (usually 10-15 ml) dark glass bottles. For ease of use, many manufacturers provide bottles with dropper caps that allow the product to be dispensed correctly. Do not buy ethers in plastic bottles or transparent bottles, it is probably not a natural product, but an artificially synthesized product. The fact is that real ethers are destroyed by light and change their composition during prolonged contact with plastic.

How to get essential oils

There are three ways to make essential oil from the plant.

Steam distillation or distillation

The most commonly used method. The aromatic component is extracted from the plant under the influence of high-pressure steam. As the vapor passes through the plant material, it carries volatile components with it. The vapor then cools in the coil and turns into a mixture of water and essential oil. The resulting mixture is collected in a collection container. Distilled water turns out to be heavier, so it settles to the bottom, leaving pure ether in the upper part of the receiver. This method is the cheapest, the processing speed of plant raw materials is high. However, after heating, the medicinal properties of the finished product may be partially lost or weakened.

Direct pressing or pressing method

This method is mainly used to extract essential oil from the peel of citrus fruits. The product is produced by pressing the raw materials. The ether obtained by this method has the maximum concentration of useful substances. However, juicing does not remove the toxins found in citrus peels. When ether is made for the consumer, it is filtered through chemical reactions in the second stage. And sometimes they simply warn you not to apply the product right before sunbathing.


This method is suitable for extracting aromatic substances from raw materials with a low essential oil content. Enfleurage was at the height of its popularity in France in the 19th century, but today this method is practically not used. There are two types of enfleurage: cold and warm. In the cold enfleurage method, purified animal fat was applied to the glass in a wooden frame. The flowers of the plant were spread on the fat and left in this form for 2-3 days. During this time, the fat absorbed the aromatic substances. Then the old flowers were replaced with fresh ones. The procedure was repeated as many times as necessary. The resulting floral lipstick was mixed with alcohol and distilled at a low temperature. The result was a most valuable product, pure, aromatic and oily. In hot enfleurage, plant material was placed in a pot of boiling fat, replaced with fresh once a day. The finished infusion is then mixed with alcohol and distilled, as in the cold enfleurage method.


You can use essential oils on your face to solve various cosmetic problems. Properly selected combinations of esters help:

  • prevents the appearance of signs of aging;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • makes deep facial wrinkles less noticeable;
  • eliminates rashes and accelerates the healing of inflammation on the skin;
  • tighten the skin;
  • creates a healthier and fresher complexion.

Girls and women of any age can use ethers to maintain beauty at home. You can choose esters ideal for all skin types. So the product is universal.

Rules for using essential oils

Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the skin, relieving it of many problems. However, when used incorrectly, esters can do as much harm as good.

  • Each oil has special indications for its use. To avoid negative consequences, be sure to read the instructions for use. For example, some oils are phototoxic. They should not be applied to the face before going out in the sun, otherwise you may get a sunburn.
  • The use of esters is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people with high blood pressure, low blood pressure and epilepsy.
  • Before using the essential oil, it is necessary to check whether there is no allergy to the components of the product. To do this, apply a drop of the product to the back of the hand or wrist. If there is no redness, itching or other allergic manifestations on the skin within 2-3 hours, the product can be used without fear. If at least one symptom appears, stop using the product immediately.

Watch a video on how to remove wrinkles at home using essential oils:

Precautionary measures

As already mentioned, esters are concentrated extracts, so they often cause allergic reactions. Therefore, under no circumstances should you use an essential oil that is new to you without testing your skin's sensitivity.

Some ethers have contraindications for their use. The use of many products is prohibited during pregnancy, they cannot be used in case of asthma and other serious respiratory diseases. Therefore, carefully study the manufacturer's instructions before purchasing the oil.

Application rules

When planning the use of essential oils against wrinkles, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules of their use.

It's important to remember! Undiluted esters should not be applied to the skin of the face. Although there are exceptions, in some cases it is acceptable to apply an essential oil to an inflamed area (such as acne).

  • Only natural esters should be used in cosmetology. The use of synthetic substitutes can negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  • The use of certain essential oils on the eyelids is allowed, naturally mixed with base oils or other products. When using the products, care must be taken not to contact the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • You have to choose the recipes based on your skin type. The use of a poorly selected composition of essential oils does not eliminate, but aggravates the cosmetic problem.
  • It is not recommended to use preparations that contain more than 6 types of esters.
  • One type of essential oil (or one composition) should not be used for more than one month. The repeated course can be started after one month.


There are many ways to use essential oils on the face. You can use any type of oil, but multi-ester compositions are most effective. However, such compositions must be put together correctly so that the beneficial properties of the products complement each other and do not conflict with each other.

We enrich the finished cosmetics

The easiest way to use essential oils is to add them to the finished product. For example, in your evening cream or body lotion. To remove dry skin, it is recommended to add a drop of ester to the cream:

  • roses and jasmine;
  • neroli, orange and verbena;
  • patchouli and lavender.

For mixed and oily skin, it is recommended to add a drop of ester to the cream:

  • lemon and bergamot;
  • grapefruit and mint;
  • cinnamon, lime and eucalyptus.

It is mixed with base oils

An effective way to fight wrinkles is to prepare essential oil mixtures dissolved in base oils. Here are some proven recipes:

  • Active prevention. For young girls aged 25-30, beauticians recommend applying a light mixture of 5 ml of macadamia oil and orange esters (3 drops) and neroli (1 drop) to cleansed skin once a week. This composition prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles.
  • Removal of small wrinkles. If shallow wrinkles have already appeared, then make a mixture based on almond oil. Take 10 ml of base and add 2 drops of rosemary ether and 10 drops of orange, lavender, lemon and carrot seed esters. In addition, the preparation is enriched with 5 drops of vitamin E oil solution. Pour the mixture into a dark glass. Apply a thin layer of the product to the skin every night.
  • To use essential oils for deep wrinkles, it is recommended to prepare a mixture based on avocado, wheat germ and jojoba base oils. Take 15 ml of each of the three oils, mix the products and add 4 drops of rose oil and 3 drops of frankincense ether to the mixture. It is recommended to apply this mixture to the areas where wrinkles are found, including the skin under the eyes.

A combination of essential oils against wrinkles

Greater results can be achieved in the fight against age-related changes and skin aging by combining vegetable oils. It is an excellent prevention that guarantees visible results. For example, to achieve the maximum lifting effect, you should mix 15 ml. peach and almond oil. To remove the network of wrinkles around the eyes, mix apricot kernel oil with camphor. A visible effect appears if the product is applied to problem areas 1-2 times a day for a month.

Mask options

Esters can also be added to homemade cosmetic masks. Here are some effective recipes.

With green clay

This preparation makes the skin elastic and smoothes out wrinkles. Dilute two tablespoons of cosmetic clay with cold water until you get a creamy mass. Then add drops of lavender, rosemary, calendula and frankincense esters. Mix it all together and apply it to the prepared (cleansed and steamed) facial skin. After twenty minutes, wash off the composition.


This is an express remedy, suitable if you need to quickly remove the signs of fatigue. Mix three to five drops of rose oil, three drops of orange ether and two drops of juniper ether in two tablespoons of kefir or natural yogurt. Apply for a quarter of an hour.

With sour cream and honey

Heat a teaspoon of honey to make the product more flexible, then mix it with 15 ml of almond oil. Add a teaspoon of thick, fatty sour cream and three drops of peppermint ether to the composition. Apply it on the face for half an hour. After the procedure, the face will be fresher and more toned.

Which oil is right for you?

If you've never used essential oils in your skincare routine, start with the most neutral scents, like lavender. When choosing an oil, the main guidelines will naturally be the condition of the skin, its type and the existing imperfections that you want to eliminate. All oils can be used at any age, the most important thing is to correctly assess the condition of the skin. It is important not to over-dry unbalanced skin, which is oily and very dry. Fine oils are suitable for the following skin types:

  • lavender;
  • geranium;
  • pink;
  • sage oil

For acne, be careful with oils that affect both wrinkles and breakouts. Our list includes:

  • tea tree oil;
  • juniper;
  • pine;
  • cumin;
  • clove

Citrus oils are suitable for dull, pigmented and acne-prone skin:

  • citron;
  • orange;
  • grapefruit.

What you need to know before using Ether

Determine the type of grooves

Or rather, the extent of the existing problem.

  • Are the wrinkles on your face superficial or deep? Superficial (small) is often observed in girls and young women. Causes: dry skin, overexertion of facial muscles. Deep - appears as a result of long-term improper or inadequate care, health problems or age-related changes.
  • Are wrinkles dynamic or static? Dynamic ones appear only when the facial muscles are tense. Static is noticeable even in a relaxed state.
  • Do you have swelling or sagging skin on your face? Gravity wrinkles appear due to the loss of elasticity and sagging of the dermis.

Thus, the ether is selected depending on how deep the furrows are and what caused their appearance (dryness, loss of tone, etc. ).

Eliminate the cause of wrinkles if possible

Essential oils are one of the best tools for maintaining a youthful appearance and overall skin care, but they won't do much if the root cause of premature wrinkles persists. This may be due to:

  • Too active or passive facial expressions - in the first case, the muscles are overstretched, in the second - they are weakened.
  • Improper care - low-quality or poorly selected cosmetics that were not washed off in time, etc.
  • Certain diseases: inflammatory skin diseases, diseases associated with swelling of the face and eyelids, hormonal disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, etc.
  • Unbalanced diet or drinking regime - little water, food containing insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals for the body.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle - bad habits, little physical activity, lack of sleep, frequent stress, sudden changes in body weight, living in a polluted area, etc.
  • How to preserve or restore youth with anti-wrinkle facials.
  • Find out useful information about lavender essential oil, its properties and uses at the link.

Benefits of oils

Representatives of the fair sex have been using natural plant extracts for centuries. The beneficial rejuvenating effect of the oily liquid on the female body has been widely studied during such a long period of use. The main advantage of rejuvenating essential oils is their diversity. Don't think that you can anoint yourself with any herbal remedy and walk around happily and beautifully, choosing the ideal oil is a delicate and responsible matter!

If you choose the right product and use it regularly, you are guaranteed:

  • renewal of the upper epidermal layers by improving intracellular metabolism;
  • enhanced timbre;
  • smoothing out wrinkles;
  • removal of scars and wounds from picked acne;
  • disappearance of spider veins and age spots;
  • color matching;
  • general rejuvenation.

The oil particles penetrate deep into the epidermal layers and start the metabolic processes, providing a toning effect. They can be used independently or added to skin care products: gels, scrubs, masks, creams, both at home and in stores. Scented varieties can be used for aromatherapy or soothing baths.

Product usage rules

Essential oils for the face against wrinkles can be used in several ways, but remember the rules that prevent the deterioration of the skin and protect it from defects:

  • To combat wrinkles, choose only those essential oils that are pleasant for both the skin of the face - absorbed quickly and without leaving a trace - and the psychological state. If the broadcast irritates you and causes negative emotions, it is better to leave it.
  • Choose a base oil that can be mixed with the essential oil and that perfectly suits your skin type.
  • If you choose a product with a high UV component content, you can also use it in combination with a base oil to combat unnecessary tanning.
  • The facial muscles should be relaxed. To this end, essential oils are added to aroma lamps, which have a positive effect on emotions and promote relaxation.
  • Mixing different esters is not prohibited - their combination can significantly improve the quality of the ingredients.
  • Always take a break when using such strong natural ingredients. The maximum duration of use of recipes with the addition of essential oils against wrinkles on the face is 3 weeks. This should be followed by a two-week break.
  • Essential oils can heal the sick. This speaks of their colossal qualities. This is also a great danger. If you have heart problems or allergies, do not use a strong product without consulting your doctor.

Choose an essential oil to moisturize your skin

With advancing age, the skin becomes thinner, pale, less elastic and, so to speak, "cracked". Cracks appear on it, like dried earth - wrinkles, and it loses its former elasticity. Essential oil that moisturizes the skin of the face increases turgor and stimulates collagen production.

The aging process of the skin is very long and begins after 25-30 years. Early wrinkles can appear as early as 18-20 years old. They mark those who like to express their emotions actively, for whom all their experiences are "written on their faces": furrowed eyebrows, wrinkled nose, squinted eyes. If you choose the right essential oil to moisturize your skin, these problems can be avoided.

With the contraction of the facial muscles under the skin, the skin is collected in small folds in certain places. Gradually, from repeated contractions, facial muscles "get tired" and over time lose the ability to fully relax, and the skin loses its elasticity and former appearance. This is an irreversible process that can be slowed down (or accelerated).

We invite you to get to know the essential oils that ensure the elasticity of the skin, for both morning and evening care.

For morning facial care, mix in a bottle:

  • Ho wood essential oil - 1 ml
  • Essential oil of Egyptian geranium – 1 ml
  • Yarrow essential oil - 0. 5 ml
  • Lavandin essential oil - 0. 5 ml
  • Muscat rose oil - 13 ml
  • argan oil - 14 ml

After washing, apply a few drops of this mixture to your thoroughly cleansed face.

For evening facial care, mix skin-tightening essential oils in a bottle:

  • Egyptian geranium - 1 ml
  • lavender officinalis – 1 ml
  • ylang-ylang - 0. 5 ml
  • sprouted wheat - 30 ml

After washing, apply a few drops of this mixture to your thoroughly cleansed face.

It's no secret that the skin loses its elasticity and firmness with age, which is caused by a decrease in skin tone. Instead of spending money on buying cosmetics of questionable effectiveness, consisting of various chemical products, isn't it better to take the help of natural, natural essential oils? We offer an excellent product for restoring skin elasticity, especially in the décolletage area.

Mix in a bottle (50 ml):

  • carrot essential oil - 0. 2 ml
  • Egyptian geranium essential oil - 2 ml
  • Sandalwood essential oil - 1 ml
  • Orange essence - 1 ml
  • Ylang-ylang essential oil - 1 ml
  • Oil borage (borage) until the total volume reaches 50 ml

Apply to your décolletage every morning after showering.

Contraindications and possible allergic reactions

  • Individual intolerance to a component of the material. To check this, an allergy test must be performed. By the way, instead of the manifestations appearing on the skin, a slight cough or nasal congestion and tearing may suddenly appear.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding In the first case, saturated substances can even cause a miscarriage, in the second case, the reaction of the mother and the baby's body is unpredictable. This warning applies especially to essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, sage, fennel, and juniper.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system If you have low blood pressure, do not use ylang-ylang, tea tree and lemon oils; mint, juniper and basil for high blood pressure; pine and fir for angina.
  • Kidney diseases Pine and juniper esters are dangerous.
  • Epilepsy Be careful with rosemary, sage, basil.

Essential oils really rejuvenate the skin, but this only applies to natural products and regular use as an additional ingredient in skin care cosmetics.


Did you know that we have a convenient table with all the essential oils on our website?

Depending on the degree of moisture, the skin is divided into the following types:


Such skin is characterized by an increased sensitivity to frost and sun, as a result of which it easily succumbs to peeling and inflammation. After performing the water procedures, moisturizing creams should be used to overcome the tight feeling.

Essential blends based on floral or citrus components in the form of chamomile, jasmine and myrtle are excellent for dry skin types. It is also a good idea to use orange essential oil to get rid of peeling and irritation. The geranium-based essential oil improves and smoothes the skin color on the body, which is achieved by activating blood circulation. Sandalwood and frankincense are anti-inflammatory and tonic.


The oily skin type is characterized by the excessive work of the sebaceous glands, which results in characteristic greasiness and a greasy shine. Inflammatory skin manifestations caused by blocked pores are often observed, as a result of which the skin stops breathing.

In this case, the use of essential essences makes it possible to narrow the pores and normalize the body's hormonal balance. Tonic essences in the form of lemon, mint, rosemary and grapefruit are excellent for such tasks. It is advisable to use ylang-ylang to soothe inflamed skin. It is also possible to create and use combined products based on different types of oils.


The most ideal type of skin, characterized by an appropriate response to all weather and climate conditions. It does not require special care.

For such skin, we can use essential essences based on chamomile, mint or rose, which can protect against various irritations. If there are small wounds on the surface of the skin, jasmine or lavender essential oil should be used.


This type combines signs of dry, oily and normal skin. Geranium, lavender and neroli essential oils are suitable for such "universal" skin.

In addition to the skin types described above, there are also the following:

How the skin ages

Our body changes throughout our lives: cells die and regenerate. But with each decade they heal worse and worse. After the age of 30, a person begins to lose 1-2% of muscle mass per year, even if they lead an active lifestyle. All the tissues of the body suffer losses, so the signs of aging appear on the skin. We call it aging and we know it cannot be stopped.

The external signs of aging appear around the age of 25

Why the signs of aging are visible on the skin:

  • the fat layer decreases;
  • bone mass decreases;
  • the connective tissue is destroyed.

Metabolism slows down in the connective tissue. The building materials of our body are produced less and less: proteins (collagen and elastin) and polysaccharides (glucosaminoglycans). Roughly speaking, the aging process lies in the gradual loss of these components. What can we do? Just try to slow down aging. It often even improves the condition of the skin and rejuvenates it with the help of competent care.